Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Turkey Trotting

I started running about one year ago in a quest to both lose weight and become a healthier person. I set a goal to run a 5k in 2010 and slowly trained to be able to run 3.1 miles without feeling like hell. After running my first 5k I felt amazing, so I decided to set a goal to run a 10k in 2010. A case of bronchitis messed up my 10k training this summer, but I am pleased to say I completed my first 10k on Thanksgiving, finishing in one hour, 15 minutes and two seconds.

My goal for 2011? To run (and finish) the Georgia Marathon half marathon in March. This is going to be tough, as winter weather is about to roll in to my area...and it won't leave until well in to March (if we're lucky).

So here goes nothing. I am going to run in the cold and snow...and along the way I will have some interesting stories about running in my neighborhood! To read some highlights of my running escapades this year, visit my Single Broke and Sort Of Fabulous blog.

And p.s. - I DO run in pearls - here's a photo of me with my dad after the Turkey Trot.